At the end of my “Moving Image” residency program at Parsec, I presented the multimedia installation //:LOCAL gHOST.
The work was exhibited from 2-4 February 2024 for Artcity at Aterliersì in Bologna Italy.
The work delves into the topic of new technologies, their social and environmental impact and algorithmic anxiety, i.e. the concern about technology's excessive control over our choices and every aspect of daily life.
Is it possible not to be only the object of systemic extractivism continuously operated through the sharing of our data? Algorithmic anxiety becomes an expedient to reflect on its multiple implications: from mental health to the contradictions of capitalist society, from the sense of community to the ecological impact of technologies. Combining video, sound design and sculpture, the device developed by the artist moves in a rhizomatic manner, connecting the online and offline worlds in an indissoluble network. Moving away from the trinomial nature - human being - technology, Cassarini presents an ambitious imagery, which constitutes what she herself defines as 'a survival manual for algorithmic anxiety' for navigating within the digital vortex.
The project was kindly support by Culture Moves Europe, a fund for artistic mobility within the European Union.

PRESS: Our tips for Artcity Bologna - Cantiere Bologna (IT)